**ATTENTION** *Have you ever considered a career in transportation? *Would you enjoy and take pride in working with our district's children? *Would you enjoy a career that allowed your day to have flexibility? *Are you interested in a career that offers all the training that you'd require to get started? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then we have a great opportunity for you! Cassadaga Valley bus garage will be hosting an open house on Thursday, January 23, from 6:00-8:00 PM and Saturday, January 25, 9:00-11:00 AM. We will have two of our newest buses open and accessible to be walked through and looked over. We will also have current staff there to answer questions and show you around. We would love to see you there and help you get started in your new career!
27 days ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
bus garage open house
CVCS Community! Even though it looks clear outside now, schools up north are seeing flakes flying and are anticipating and are canceling afternoon/evening activities for today. Out of an abundance of caution, we are canceling all afterschool/evening activities for today, January 13th, including the fitness center. Please travel safe, stay warm, and be well.
27 days ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Fitness Center
Congratulations to our Cougars with Character for December! They are doing a great job to make our school better! We are so proud! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1S1aA28d1wYzL7vGWiyCi8ADZWXmKCxO5BIwxpehz7dk/edit?usp=sharing
29 days ago, Mrs. Sedlak- Sinclairville Elementary
Check out the January 2025 edition of The Cougar Post, developed by Sinclairville Elementary 4th and 5th grade students! https://5il.co/34l25
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Cougar Post
Ski Club will begin this Friday, January 10th, and will run for 8 weeks! Departure from Sinclairville Elementary will be at 3:45 PM with a return time to the elementary building at approximately 10:00 PM. Please reach out to Ms. Merrill with questions.
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
ski club
Just a reminder of this week's Family Center event, "Navigating Special Education Services and Supports" with CVCS Director of Special Education & Student Services, Rebecca Donnelly! All of our Family Center events are FREE and open to the public! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Raynor at (716) 962-8581 ext. 1301
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
family center
Happy New Year! Please take a moment to read the updated superintendent message. We wish you a healthy, successful and a joyful start to the year. As we begin 2025, it’s the perfect time to look back and reflect on all that we’ve accomplished together while also looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Remember to smile a bit more, we need some sunshine in these cloudy months. We do have a lot to smile about – After all, it’s always a great day to be in The Valley!
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
supt message
Cassadaga Valley lost two great retirees recently; Alfred "Al" Carpenter and Ken Balling. Al taught at CVCS for 30 years, was an advisor for multiple classes, started the tennis team and coached until he retired. Ken taught at CVCS for 23 years, coached football, basketball and softball. Ken stayed involved with the community and spent nearly 50 years answering calls to duty as a Volunteer Firefighter, with Stockton Volunteer Fire Company (and in Florida where he lived part of the year). Both of these great teachers/coaches made a lasting impact on the lives of countless students here in The Valley and we couldn't be more grateful for their dedication to our students and community. Our deepest condolences go out to their families/friends. https://www.post-journal.com/obituaries/2024/12/kenneth-w-balling/ https://chautauquatoday.com/obits/details.cfm?id=43184
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Ken Balling
Al Carpenter
CVCS community! Due to the inclement weather, the JV and Varsity boys basketball games have been canceled for this evening. The Fitness Center will also be closed this evening. Please stay safe and warm!
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
weather alert
Fitness Center
Happy New Year!
about 1 month ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
New Year
On 12/20, we had our second Middle School Incentive Program reward, for behavior at the 15 week mark. Students were able to watch the newest Grinch movie, have hot chocolate/cookies/candy canes, and also play board games during 7th and 8th period! #ValleyProud
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
MS Incentive Program
MS Incentive Program
MS Incentive Program
MS Incentive Program
MS Incentive Program
Merry Christmas from The Valley!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Merry Christmas
The boys Varsity and JV basketball teams, coached by Phil Schrader, held a free mini youth basketball camp this morning. The boys ran stations and drills for the young players. It was a lot of fun and the boys hope to run another one in the future! #ValleyProud!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
January events! If you have any questions, please call the main offices at SES and the MHS.
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
We're #grateful for our next new hire spotlight, Suzanne Sischo! Suzanne is one of our new Food Service Helpers! She was excited to work in the same school she went to, and where her kids attend as well! Thank you for all you do for ALL of our Cougar kiddos!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
30 CVCS band students recently attended the Buffalo Philharmonic Holiday Pops concert at Kleinhans Music Hall. They described it as “perfect, like a recording,” and were very excited about hearing their instruments being played professionally!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
 Buffalo Philharmonic Holiday Pops
 Buffalo Philharmonic Holiday Pops
A group of CVCS music students, along with Mrs. Zenns and Mr. Bens, came together to sing some carols at the bottom of the main MHS stairway as everyone was heading to homeroom and breakfast this morning. #HolidaysInTheValley
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
christmas carols
Happy Holidays, from The Valley!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
Santa Claus is coming to.... The Valley! Here he is, welcoming our PreK kiddos into the building! #HolidaysInTheValley
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School
The High School Science/STEM Club held their December meeting this week. The meeting was run by Vice-President, Addison Helwig. She planned, prepared and taught the club members how to make a Christmas slime. As you can see, they add a lot of fun!
about 2 months ago, Cassadaga Valley Central School