The Cassadaga Valley Central School Board of Education is made up of five members who are elected to five-year terms by qualified voters of the school district at the district election and budget vote each May. The Board elects a President and Vice President at its annual organizational meeting in July along with appointing the officers of the Board. Board members serve without compensation and are responsible for formulating educational and school district policies.
The Board of Education welcomes residents, staff members, students and other interested persons to its meetings. The Board can better represent its constituents when members of the community take the time to attend a board meeting, express opinions, ask questions and become involved in shaping the decisions that affect the education of our children.
The school board meets in regular session at 6:00 PM on the second Wednesday of each month in the Middle High School Multi-Purpose room, unless otherwise indicated. Meeting dates and times can be found on the District's website, are posted on the District's social media pages, and are also advertised in the Jamestown Post-Journal and the Dunkirk Observer.
The Board occasionally meets in executive session. Executive (closed door) sessions may only be held by resolution of the Board at a regularly scheduled or advertised special session or business session. The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York defines the subjects which may be discussed behind a closed door.
District residents are welcome to bring their concerns to the Board and to express their opinions on matters affecting our schools. Members of the public can address the board either by contacting the District Clerk to be listed on the agenda as a scheduled visitor, or may show up to the meeting as an unscheduled visitor. When you are called upon to address the Board, please give your name, address, and if you are representing an organization, its name. As a courtesy to all wishing to speak, each resident will be granted up to five minutes per individual/group to make his/her presentation. Exceptions may be made, however, at the discretion of the board president.
If you have any questions on the roles/responsibilities/duties of the Cassadaga Valley Central School Board of Education, please contact the District Clerk at 716-962-5155 option 1.
Aaron Richner, President
Diane Ellsworth, Vice President
Marcus Clark
Matthew Miller
Dylan Runge
Proud Members of the New York State School Boards Association and Chautauqua County School Boards Association