The Cassadaga Valley Central School District strives to provide a free and appropriate public education for all students. If you have any questions or concerns about available services, please contact our Department of Special Education. We look forward to assisting you in any way possible.
Procedural Safeguard Notice
Revised Procedural Safeguards Notice: Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Ages 3-21 – May 2024
Parent Guide to Special Education
The New York State Education Department provides A Parent's Guide to Special Education. A Spanish language version is also available. If you would like a printed copy of A Parent’s Guide to Special Education, please contact the Student Services office at (716) 962-8581 ext. 1115.
Early Intervention Program
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is New York State's implementation of Part C of the Federal Individual with Disabilities Act. The EIP has been in effect since July 1, 1993, to serve infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, who have developmental delays. This is a strength-based, family-centered program designed to service children and their families in their natural environments, usually the home.
EIP Eligibility
Eligibility is determined by a multidisciplinary evaluation. If your child qualifies after having a developmental evaluation, services based on a child's individual need, will be provided at no cost to the family. Reimbursement is sought from third-party insurances, but, by law, cannot affect a family's insurance lifetime cap or any deductions. References can be made by calling 716-753-4788.
Child Find
Child Find is a component of the Early Intervention Program and its purpose is to identify children who are at risk for developmental delays or are suspected of having a developmental delay. Staff works with families to assure that children are enrolled with a primary care provider. The primary care providers screen children for their developmental progress and refer to the Early Intervention Program if indicated. Families are also referred to appropriate community resources such as accessing health insurance coverage. For more information, call 716-753-4788.
Preschool Special Education
The Preschool Special Education Program is a federal and state entitlement that makes available at no cost to parents, appropriate public education for children ages 3 to 5 with developmental delays. Eligibility is determined by multidisciplinary evaluations, and services are based upon the child's needs as recommended by their school district's Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE).
Preschool Special Education services strive to minimize adverse effects of a developmental delay on a child's ability to learn. To refer a child to the Preschool Special Education Program, please contact the Student Services office at (716) 962-8581 ext. 1115. If your child is already enrolled in the Early Intervention Program, the service coordinator will assist the family with the referral process. For more information, call 716-753-4788.
Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) is a referral linkage system to provide information to families of children, birth to 21 years of age, who have, or are suspected of having, a serious or chronic physical condition and require health-related services beyond those that are generally required by children. The goal of this program is to assist families who have children with special health care needs to obtain necessary health and community services. For more information, call 716-753-4788.
New York State Alternate Assessment- NYSAA
The NYSAA is part of the New York State testing program that measures student performance on alternate achievement standards in the areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science for students with the most severe cognitive disabilities. These standards are reduced in complexity from the learning standards.
Eligibility for participation in NYSAA is determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) according to criteria established by NYSED.Only students with the most severe cognitive disabilities are eligible to take the NYSAA. The Committee on Special Education (CSE) determines whether a student with a severe cognitive disability is eligible to take the NYSAA, based on the following criteria: • The student has a severe cognitive disability, significant deficits in communication/ language, and significant deficits in adaptive behavior; and • The student requires a highly specialized educational program that facilitates the acquisition, applications, and transfer of skills across natural environments (home, school, community, and/or workplace); and • The student requires educational support systems, such as assistive technology, personal care services, health/medical services, or behavioral intervention.
Resource: NYSED Parent guide
Nonpublic School Special Education Services
For more information, call 716-962-8581 ext. 1115.
New York State Education Law 3602-c states that if a parent, guardian or legal custodian of a student with a disability wishes to have his or her child receive special education programs and services while enrolled in the nonpublic school, the parent or guardian or legal custodian must file a Dual Enrollment letter with the Special Education Office for special education services with the school district of residence on or before June 1 preceding the school year for which such services are requested.
Parents who suspect their child has an educational disability should contact their child's teacher, the school counselor, or the principal. If you have any questions, please contact the Director of Special Education at 716-962-8581 ext. 1115.