We're #grateful for our next new hire spotlight, Danielle Johnson! Danielle is our new Account Clerk, focusing on SRP payroll and other HR related duties. She comes to us with an extensive background in retail management, giving her a lot of business experience. We're so excited to have Danielle a part of our Cougar Community!

The High School Science Club had our very own Mr. Stimson as their guest speaker for their January club meeting. He taught them about reptiles and brought in his own Western Hognose snake. His snake's name is Clementine, it eats and defecates approximately once a week, and its urine is like a powder. They found out Mr. Stimson has been breeding snakes for quite some time and he even owns a python!

Our next #ValleyProud new hire spotlight is Julia Napper! Julia is our newest COTA, who comes to us with a wide variety of experience, including working in outpatient rehab in Erie for about 5 1/2 years with patients of all ages and diagnoses. Julia wanted a small-town school feel and is excited with this new chapter here in The Valley!

Good Afternoon CVCS Community,
If you are a parent or guardian that drops your student off at the Middle/High School, or would like to make arrangements to do so on Monday, January 27th between 7:30AM and 8:00AM, please feel free to stop in for an 'open house' style viewing of our newly remodeled music spaces - our vocal music and band rooms. We would like to give you the opportunity to see our fresh spaces and speak to Mrs. Zenns and Mr. Cole about their excitement for our program.
If you would like to stop in that morning, please park in the back athletic entrance lot, enter through the doors, and make your way directly to the music rooms. There will be a small display of pastries, some coffee and juice, and we'll have an 8:00 AM ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open our new spaces!
Thank you, again, for your support of our students and this community!

A balmy 10 degrees and beautiful watercolor skies. It’s always a great day to be in The Valley #ValleyProud

Good morning CVCS Community:
We hope you are staying warm on this brisk day! With the cancellation of school again today, we wanted to share an updated Regents Exam calendar with you so that students are aware when they may be taking their exams. Please be reminded that if a student is taking an 11:45 AM exam, they can work up to the three hour limit of the exam, and we will arrange transportation home for students.
The new exam schedule for Thursday and Friday is as follows:
Thursday, January 23
7:45 am
English Language Arts (all 11th grade students)
Global History & Geography II
11:45 am
Algebra II
Earth Science
Friday, January 24
7:45 am
Living Environment
US History & Government
11:45 am
Algebra I
Also, Friday, January 24th, which was originally a half day for students, will now be a FULL DAY of school for all students. It's been a tough winter, and we look forward to having our students in class with us on that day!
The iReady benchmarks for students in grades 6-8 for ELA and math will be given during the first week in February now. We will communicate that information very soon.
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing everyone back in the building tomorrow!

They say this is the worst weather year since 2019! As a result of the persistent cold and snow, please review the following calendar adjustment:
This Friday, January 24, 2025, all students will report for a FULL DAY of instruction. Although we had originally planned for a 1/2 Professional Development Day, we are adjusting this to a full day schedule to minimize further disruption to student learning. ***Stay tuned for upcoming adjustments regarding Regents testing for high school students!
We are evaluating our ability to claim emergency closure days as a result of the recent State of Emergency proclamations before making any additional changes to our calendar. If any of the adjustments approved by the Board of Education in December are necessary, we will communicate these updates to you immediately.
Stay warm, Cougars. See you all tomorrow!

Due to inclement weather and the frigid temps, Cassadaga Valley CSD will be closed today, January 22nd. Stay warm and safe!

Good Afternoon CVCS Community,
Winter is doing a really great job of reminding us that it snows here! With that being said, and the snow day today, we will be adjusting the Regents exam calendar for the week so students will be able to challenge their exams.
The exams that were to be given today, January 21st,
7:45 - English Language Arts
11:45 - Physical Setting/Earth Science; Physical Setting/Chemistry
will now be given on Thursday, January 23rd.
The Regents Schedule for Thursday, January 23rd is now as follows:
7:45 - English Language Arts; Global History II
11:45 - Physical Setting/Earth Science; Physical Setting/Chemistry; Algebra II
If there are conflicts, we will work with the students to ensure they can take all their exams.
All 11th grade students will be taking the English Language Arts Regents Exam on Thursday, January 23rd.
Middle School students, grades 6-8 will be taking their iReady Benchmark on Thursday for ELA and Friday for Mathematics. This will take place during the school day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the MHS Main Office at 716-962-8581. Thank you, and stay warm!

Due to the inclement weather, Cassadaga Valley CSD will be closed today, January 21st. Stay warm!

This week we'd like to celebrate Emiley Anderson, as she was chosen as WKBW Channel 7's Super 7 Athlete of the Week. Because of the work that she puts into her academics, and especially the effort, attitude, and skill that she displays on the basketball court, she is being recognized with this distinct honor. Congratulations to Emiley on achieving this recognition for this week. #ValleyProud #CougarPride
Please click on the link to view the story!

Nice job, Emma Nickerson! 🎳

Spirit Week will be 2/10 - 2/14 (leading up to mid-winter recess). Here are the different MHS dress up days for that week!

A special thank you to our students, Justin Gonzalez and Kameron Brown, who built this beautiful shelf unit, in Mr. Cole's shop class, for Mrs. Allessi to display her wintry decorations! #ValleyProud!

As part of our "Make The Valley Proud" campaign, we've highlighted various things this school year that we're proud of. Last week, we really showed how These Cougars CAN Roar by honoring another district's student athlete, on the court. Portville played CVCS last week and it was brought to our attention that one of their student's, Aidan DeFazio, may reach his 1000 point achievement at this basketball game! Not only did he achieve this great accomplishment in our gym but the game stopped to honor him. As the parents of Aidan stated in their thank you letter to us, "your announcer, coaches, student athletes, fans and even the refs made it seem like we were in our home gym." Another statement from Aidan's parents, "Your commitment to ALL students’ success will never be lost on Aidan or our family" really touched our hearts and we just had to share this sentiment that we received. It's clear that The Valley takes pride in what we do but this just shows how we truly care about others and their achievements as well. Congrats, Aidan! #ValleyProud #TheseCougarsCANRoar #1000ShotAchievement

CVCS Community!
If you're interested in FFA (Future Farmers of America apparel, you can place an order using this link! https://falconerprinting.chipply.com/cassadagaffa/store.aspx
Perfect for alumni, community supporters, and future FFAers!

Hello Cassadaga Cougars! Please review this important message:
According to New York State Regulation Sub-Part 67-4, all school districts must regularly test for lead in their water systems. In line with recent updates to this sub-part, the acceptable parts per billion (PPB) reading for testing of lead in school drinking water was reduced from an acceptable amount of 15PPB to 5PPB. Following this change in acceptable levels, we tested our system. It is important to note that the deadline for this testing was not until December 21, 2025, with follow-up testing completed every three years. Cassadaga completed this task early in order to mitigate issues early, if testing showed that such measures were needed. Under the new lowered thresholds, we have faucets in both of our buildings that have tested above the minimally acceptable levels. Having received this information just yesterday afternoon, we are making immediate adjustments as we seek interventions to mitigate lead levels under these new expectations. Please be advised of the following:
1. We received this information yesterday afternoon and are moving swiftly to make adjustments. At this moment, we know that all of the impacted faucets are ones that were planned for removal or out of use at the time of testing. For example, SES installed bottle filling machines throughout the school building in recent years. The "drinking fountains" impacted at SES do not include any of these water points. The impacted fountains are outdated "bubblers" found in the classrooms that were planned for removal. We have shut off the valves at each and every one of the water sources that fell above the new level thresholds.
2. In addition to being shut off, the impacted faucets are being marked with a sticker that states "Do not use. Not potable."
3. Even if the faucets may have been out of use for some time, if the faucets were drinking water access points, we will have bottled water accessible for consumption in these areas.
Similar to our urgency to test early and mitigate swiftly, we also seek to be ahead of the curve and swift and transparent in our communications. Sub-Part 67-4 states that notification must go to staff, parents and the community within 10 days. We wanted to make sure that everyone had the information we had as quickly as possible. As such, we are notifying you immediately. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions and know that we will update you regularly as we move through this process. Please feel free to access information about Sub-Part 67-4 here --> https://regs.health.ny.gov/volume-1a-title-10/1942050456/subpart-67-4-lead-testing-school-drinking-water.

Reminder of tomorrow's Family Center event, "Academic Support & Communication" with our MHS principal, Mr. Tonelli. Please check in at the MHS office.

This was noted on our instructional calendar but not on the district calendar that went home over the summer: January 24th is a HALF DAY for students (staff have a 1/2 PD day in the afternoon). Middle/High School students will be dismissed at 10:30AM. Elementary students will be dismissed at 11:05 AM (walkers) and 11:15 AM (bussed students).
For HS students, the January Regents scheduled is also attached.
SNOW DAYS!!!! It's been a wild winter so far, and CVCS has used 3 snow days. We originally had 4 days built into our approved calendar. To give us some wiggle room, we want to add 2 days to our tally. Here is how we will do this:
In the event that we take TWO more snow days before February 14th, we will immediately change March 7th to a STUDENT ATTENDANCE DAY. The professional development day will be moved to June 27, 2025. We will also adjust May 23, 2025 to a STUDENT ATTENDANCE DAY. This Friday before the Memorial Day weekend was already listed as a "take-back" day. What has changed is that we will make every attempt to leave the spring break intact. PLEASE NOTE, NONE OF THESE CHANGES ARE GOING INTO EFFECT AS OF YET. We just want to notify the community ahead of time, in case we end up using two more snow days by February 14th. We will update everyone if this happens and be sure everyone is clear on which days students/staff should report.
If you have any questions at this time, please reach out to the main offices, regarding the half day and regents exams, and the District Office, regarding the potential change in take-back days.

*Have you ever considered a career in transportation?
*Would you enjoy and take pride in working with our district's children?
*Would you enjoy a career that allowed your day to have flexibility?
*Are you interested in a career that offers all the training that you'd require to get started?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions then we have a great opportunity for you!
Cassadaga Valley bus garage will be hosting an open house on Thursday, January 23, from 6:00-8:00 PM and Saturday, January 25, 9:00-11:00 AM. We will have two of our newest buses open and accessible to be walked through and looked over. We will also have current staff there to answer questions and show you around. We would love to see you there and help you get started in your new career!